
In week 10, we apply the NPK fertilizer and tagging at the planting bed. NPK fertilizer have nitrogen, and the nitrogen can helping plants to growth leaves. Furthermore, Phosphorus (P) can helps to produce healthy flowers , buds, roots, and fruits. Potassium is used by plants to help sustain overall plant health. Next, tagging at planting bed is used to know who own the planting bed. The tagging have a name, student id, type of plant, scientific name of plant, and date transplant. 


  Challenge for this week is we have to search wood for stick the tagging to put at the planting bed. This is because the wood is limited. Our batch have 100 student. So at least we need a 100 wood to complete this task. Next, number of pest is increase. This is because our plant was big and can attract pest to  come.


   For this week, we learn about NPK fertilizer. The ingredients, how the fertilizer work and how to apply the fertilizer at the plant. This week we also know what type of pest that attack our plant at planting bed. Next, we also know prevent our plant from pest. Lastly, we know how to put the tagging with wood at our planting bed. 



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